The Global Campaign for Men and Boys

Lack of male role models in childhood puts boys at risk of becoming bad fathers….


The Centre For Social Justice centre-right think tank is continuing its work to understand the causes and impacts of family breakdown in the UK.

In its latest report on Britain’s drug and alcohol problems,  one of the charity workers interviewed points the finger of blame at the lack of male role models that boys have access to when growing up.

According to Anne McLaren, Project Manager at the Fun in Action mentoring project:

“Key causes of family breakdown here seem to be fathers’ addiction (either alcohol or drugs) and domestic violence, fathers’ low confidence, poor self-esteem and sense of inadequacy due in part to either unrecognised or not-dealt-with dyslexia and/or poor parenting experiences and lack of a reliable male role model in their own childhoods.”

If you think we need to take more action to ensure more boys benefit from male role models growing up join our #Yes2MaleRoleModels campaign today.

—Photo courtesy of Flickr/AliEdwards

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